
Idiomatic Expression: "Butterflies in my stomach"

What is an idiom?
An idiom is a word or phrase that is not taken literally.  An idiom is an expression that cannot be understood from the meanings of its individual words, but has a separate meaning of its own.

Butterflies in the Stomach Explained
  • Describing the feeling you get before making a speech in public or performing on stage.
  • Before you attend a job interview or an important meeting.
  • A feeling of anxiety before you attend a job interview or an important meeting.
  • An in explainable feeling before taking an important exam or test.
  • Discussing a first date or special anniversary.

“I’m going on a date tonight and I have butterflies in my stomach! I’ve liked Tommy for so long. I hope he likes me too.”
“I shall deliver my memorized speech as an Oral Examination, and I got this butterflies in my stomach.”

How to overcome butterflies in my stomach while addressing large audiences during presentations, etc?

According to various sources, from 74 to 90% of people have symptoms of anxiety before public speaking. Not only amateurs and beginners, but also professionals. Fortunately, most of us are able to cope with it with self-support and psychological exercises.

Don't overthink

What you are usually afraid of? You think they will judge you, they will wait for you to make a littlest mistake and measure every your word or gesture? You think they will hurt or offend you, or think that you are a bad storyteller. Forget it!

The psychological fact is: most of us are thinking just about ourselves now: what we are doing, how we are looking, what we are going to learn from the presentation. People really don't want you to fail! So don't overthink, don't put their potential (in 90% not real) thoughts into your brain and heart.

If you know your material well and go there in a good mood, show some enthusiasm, you will succeed this show with a very good chance.

By the way, experts say that the audience usually doesn't recognize when you are nervous. Remember this! Good luck on your next Performance.