

While I hope that many of you will not need to give a eulogy, it is something that you should be prepared for if you were to be asked.

If you are asked to give a eulogy, remember this will be an emotional time for the friends and family.

A eulogy is an address to the person who has passed. It is a time to remember and celebrate the life of a loved one.

Before reading the following tips and tricks, watch this video.

There are a few things to remember when you preparing:

  • First, make sure you introduce yourself to the audience.
  • Then address the person whom you are remembering.
  • To connect to your audience, share a few memories you share and/or qualities you admired about the lost loved one.
  • Also, be sure to highlight special moments of the loved one’s life.
  • Lastly, use a quote or your own words to bring comfort to those who are mourning. A eulogy should end on an encouraging note, even though there are still people mourning.
  • Furthermore, make sure that you are dressed appropriately. It is important to note it is not always best to wear black to a funeral. 
  • Some families want the funeral to be a celebration. So be aware of what color would be appropriate to wear. It is best to ask the family.

Above all, be sincere. This is a time to honor and celebrate the life of a loved one.